About ERIF


In July 2013, the founding members of the European Race and Imagery Foundation (ERIF) came together with the shared aim of analysing and combating contemporary negative representations of people of colour across Europe. Namely we are interested in how European understandings of home, belonging, space, citizenship and identity are racialised. We are positioned specifically in a bid to depart from US-centric understandings of race and racism, which do not always necessarily relate to the European experience.

Subsequently, the foundation aims to organize various annual projects as well as contribute to existing projects by other anti-racism organisations. Members of this foundation are affiliated with international universities, cultural organisations, activist groups and art collectives. We are located across the continent: in the UK, the Netherlands and Switzerland, although our wider collaborative network spans much further. As members of this single foundation, we are creating a wider, interdisciplinary network of campaigners and thinkers, while combining our talents, experience and ideas to bring about safe, accessible and meaningful platforms.

We believe strongly in working in solidarity with fellow European anti-racism organisations (such as Collectif Faitesdes Vagues, the Race in the Marketplace network, and Roma Jam Session Art Kollektiv) towards achieving a collective liberation. To us, this means bringing an end to racism via our specific focus on imagery, as well as other oppressive socio-political structures such as, patriarchy, state sanctioned violence, heteronormative world-views, exploitation of natural resources, ableism and capitalism.

Ultimately, we are working towards a new world-order, which emphasises a poetics of difference, where bodies and citizens marked by racial difference can have complex identities and lives that matter equally. This will entail a cooperative, mutually supportive and inclusive societal structure as well as ongoing and active quests for social justice and democratic ways to live together. In other words, radical equal participation in society for everyone.



In July 2013, the current and founding members of ERIF came together with the shared aim of analysing and combating contemporary negative representations of people of colour. Namely we are interested in how European understandings of home, belonging, space, citizenship and identity are racialised. We aim to conduct critical research of the various media expressions, provide education for a broader audience and interact with like-minded action-oriented and intellectual individuals across Europe. We also aim to raise awareness of the counter movements and narratives taking place throughout the continent, which seek to navigate, survive and dismantle white patriarchal hegemony. We are positioned specifically in a bid to depart from US-centric understandings of race and racism, which do not always necessarily relate to the European experience.

Subsequently, the foundation organises events (such as our Returning the Gaze conferences) and workshops, conducts research and curates content in order to amplify the European anti-racist discourse. Members of this foundation are affiliated with international universities, cultural organisations, art collectives and includes cultural critics. We are located across the continent: in the UK, the Netherlands and Switzerland, although our wider collaborative network spans much further. As members of this single foundation, we are creating a wider, interdisciplinary network of campaigners and thinkers, while combining our talents, experience and ideas to bring about safe, accessible and meaningful platforms.

Meet and see an overview of our team here.

ERIF is a member of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and recipient of the 2022 Empowerment & Resilience scheme, which is financed by the ENAR Foundation. 


The European Race and Imagery Foundation is officially recognised by the Dutch tax office as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) that has an idealistic goal and has no objectives to make profit and receives no structural grants from the government. The Foundation is therefore dependant on donations. Our ANBI status means that, within Dutch law, donating to us means certain tax breaks are applicable. To find out more about this, please visit the Dutch tax office site.

Please find all relevant data regarding our PBO status below. With this, we fulfill the publication requirement set by the Belastingdienst.

Stichting Antiracistische Beeldvorming Europa is door de Belastingdienst aangemerkt als een ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). Een ANBI is een instelling met een ideële doelstelling zonder winstoogmerk en zonder structurele subsidie van de overheid. De Stichting is daarmee afhankelijk van giften. Onze ANBI-status betekent voor u dat uw giften in veel gevallen aftrekbaar zijn voor de belasting. Ook wanneer u iets nalaat aan de Stichting hoeft u over dit bedrag geen belasting te betalen. Voor meer informatie over donaties aan ANBI’s kunt u terecht op de site van de Belastingdienst of op http://www.anbi.nl.

Hieronder vindt u alle relevante gegevens met betrekking tot onze ANBI-status, waarmee wij voldoen aan de publicatieplicht van de Belastingdienst.


Neither the board nor the volunteers of the Foundation will receive any kind of renumeration or payment for provided work. They can be compensated from the Foundation’s funds for costs incurred personally on behalf of and for activities of the Foundation.


Noch de bestuurders van de Stichting noch vrijwilligers ontvangen ooit enige vorm van vergoeding of betaling voor door hun verrichte werkzaamheden. Zij kunnen wel worden gecompenseerd uit fondsen van de Stichting voor eventuele kosten die zij persoonlijk uit naam en ten behoeve van de Stichting hebben gemaakt.



KvK #: 60631872

© 2023 European Race & Imagery Foundation